Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Drug Regulatory Authority of Sri Lanka

To achieve a healthier nation by ensuring the provision of safe, quality and efficacious Pharmaceutical products and safe & quality cosmetic products.

To regulate and control the manufacture, importation, sale, storage and distribution of Cosmetics, Devices and Drugs (including nutraceuticals and borderline devices) efficiently and effectively whilst ensuring rational usage.

The goal of the Ministry of Health is “Provision of curative, preventive, rehabilitative and promotive services of optimum quality accessible to entire nation”. To achieve this goal provision of safe, efficacious and quality drugs and devices is essential. Therefore the goal of the office of the Medical Technology & Supplies (MT&S) / Cosmetics, Devices & Drugs Regulatory Authority (CDDRA) is to achieve a healthy nation by ensuring the provisions of safe, quality and efficacious medicinal products and cosmetics.

The Cosmetics, Devices & Drugs (CDD) Act 1980 is the legislative framework which provides the legal authority to regulate Cosmetics, Devices & Drugs in Sri Lanka. Cosmetics, Devices & Drugs Regulatory Authority  is responsible for implementation of the provisions of the Act.

According to the CDD Act, Director General of Health Services (DGHS) is the Cosmetics, Devices and Drugs Authority. For the purposes of implementation, the delegated Authority to the Director Medical Technology & Supplies (D/MT&S).